Which carrier is the best?
Special thanks to the contributor of this post - Beth Beaney
I’ve been a babywearing consultant for over 10 years. In that time, I’ve found there are some statements that are universally true. “This carrier is the best” is not one of them. There are carriers and slings that are amazing - amazing quality, fantastic design, easy to use, pretty…you get the idea. But one carrier that is the absolute best, above all others, and to the exception of all others? Nope. It’s like a unicorn - beautiful, wonderful and mythical. The search for the best carrier is really a search for the best carrier for you (and your little one).
But how do you know which is the best sling or carrier for you?
Firstly, do some light research - check in with other parents to see what they like; take a look at indie sling stores to see what information is available on the different sling and carrier styles. Once you’ve figured out the basic styles, you may well have an idea where you’d like to start. You then have two really good options.
Option 1: Speak to a babywearing consultant. Whether it’s via a consultation, or a chat via email, babywearing consultants will have a good idea of what’s most suitable for your baby’s age group, and what works well for families with similar needs.
Option 2: If you have an eye on a specific style e.g buckle carriers, hire a sling or carrier from your local library or postal library.
Slings and carriers involve two human bodies and everybody is different, and every personality is different. What suits one family may not suit another. One family may find a fully structured carrier to be the best carrier for them and the next family could find a woven wrap is the best option for them.
It’s popular so it must be good, right?! Not necessarily…(I promise, I’m trying to make this easier!). Some carriers are super popular because they are from a trusted baby brand. Fair enough. Doesn’t mean they are necessarily comfy and ergonomic. Some are super popular because they seem to be really, really good value for money. Use your noggin here - if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.
So you’ve narrowed down your selection, how do you now decide on ‘the one’?
Here’s a brief checklist to get you happy carrying:
Buy your carrier from a specialist sling store. It makes sense - you’ll receive tailored-to-you support from a sling consultant with a guarantee of authentic products.
Set your budget. And stick to it.
Choose a carrier you love the look of. You’re going to be wearing it a lot and it’s going to cover almost all your clothing.
Read the instructions! No, really, do.
If you’re a visual person, check the manufacturer for videos and visual instructions.